Awning Accessories

Enhance Your Awning or

Patio With Sunesta Accessories

Congratulations on your decision to go with Sunesta. Your new Sunesta awning or patio enclosure will help you to have the picture perfect house while providing protection from the heat, dirt, and wind that can be merciless at times in Oklahoma. To help provide further enhancement to your home and further protection from the elements, Sunesta is proud to offer different awning accessories to go along with your enclosed patio or awning. These optional awning accessories were designed with you in mind to get the most enjoyment possible from your Sunesta investment.

There are many awning accessory options available with Sunesta of OKC to make your awning the best place to relax.

Types of

Sunesta Accessories

We offer all 3 types of Sunesta awning accessories and all 3 provide a different form of protection for your investment.

Sunesta LED Awning Lights

The perfect addition to your Sunesta retractable awning are LED awning lights! Your new retractable awning is amazing at blocking the light, rain, & hail during the daytime, but there will be times when you want to keep your retractable awning open during the evening to sit under and enjoy. With the addition of LED awning lights, you can now have soft light on the underside of your awning to enjoy at nighttime. There are 12 different levels of brightness so you can choose the lighting you would like to enjoy. The LED Awning lights are completely plug & play and you won’t need an electrician to have the lights installed. These LED awning lights are completely waterproof and can be remote controlled. Sit under your retractable awning at night and enjoy reading, dining, and time with friends & family, with light, all while you are protected from the elements. The LED awning lights will not interfere with the opening and closing of your retractable awning. These lights can also be added to your existing Sunesta retractable awning. Contact one of our awning representatives to find out more.


Your new retractable awning has optional patio cover accessories like LED lights so you can light your patio up at night.
The Shadeside from Sunesta OKC is an optional patio cover accessory designed to stop early morning or late evening sun.

Sunesta Shadeside

Your Sunesta retractable awning does a great job of providing shade from the sun above. An enclosed patio is not for everyone, but sometimes we have that kind of patio where we get direct sunlight, from either the East or the West, at specific times of the day and it can be annoying. This is where the Shadeside from Sunesta comes in. The Shadeside is a retractable patio enclosure for one wall of your patio. When installed & engaged, the Shadeside will provide shaded protection from the sun from one direction on your patio. This is incredibly helpful when you only need some shade, from one direction, for a short part of the day. The Shadeside will be custom built for your patio and can be up to 78” x 156”. This retractable shade also comes in a variety of colors and fabrics. Plus, our work comes with a warranty. Speak with one of our patio shade representatives to find out more about the Sunesta Shadeside for your patio.

Sunesta Sunboot

When winter comes to Oklahoma, it does get a little too cold to sit out on the patio. So it is understandable that you will probably not use your Sunesta retractable awning as much. To get longer life out of your Sunesta awning, you should consider a Sunboot. The Sunesta Sunboot is a cover for your retractable awning that is designed to keep the water & sun from inflicting damage when the awning is not in use. It is also very easy to put over your retracted awning and seals with velcro. The Sunboot is available for all Sunesta awning styles and can be color matched to blend in with your home. This really is a must have for those who want to protect their awning investment. Find out more from one of our awning representatives today.

The Sunboot will fit all of our popular retractable awning styles including: The Sunesta, The Sundrop, & The Sunlight.

The Sunboot from Sunesta OKC is an optional patio cover accessory designed to protect your awning while not in use.